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微 幅 W.A.V.E.

我們在進步中! -節錄赫塞童話故事集《城市》



因新媒體工具的發明而大量充斥於生存空間中不可見的人工聲波/光波/磁波/輻射或資訊雲(cloud ),以透明不可觸摸的形態牽引著城市人生活重心與權利分配狀態。身體是否從此自由滲透於空間中的各個層面?


城市 - 身體 :生存居住空間 - 人

由洞穴到建築到虛擬空間,人類在文明發展的累進中, 因應生存居住空間的轉移,  以理性控制周遭的環境,城市作為一個獨立的空間時間單位,在有限的空間中梳理城市人的生活思考方式與邏輯 。



在進步的假象中倚賴科技, 人與身體的演進, 人與大自然的相互關係是依文化的累進前進還是退後?

W.A.V.E. refers to the various energies and motional disturbances in human life. With the rapid development of technology, our focus of creativity has turned toward issues of human survival, the contemporary features of life, and the break between bodily and existential experiences, which has led to a display of influences on the body in facing the interplay between the natural and the artificial, the real-existent and the virtual, as well as memory and sensory experience.


The installation has been inspired by the Fukushima nuclear disaster and other major urban accidents in Taiwan, and we tried to represent the fantasy people create with technology innovation while underestimating its potential risk to human life.


It intends to capture the unseen actions and figures in the city. Meanwhile, it marks one floating boundary among those invisible signals, visible human and the crossing urban visions of days and nights. With the kinetic changes of the 81 suspended black boxes on stage, each consists of one full colored LED and two mini speakers, we build up the historical shift of the urban landscape.


Performance : YiLab.

Performance Concept / Choreography / Dance: SU Wen-Chi

Installation Concept / Sound design: CHANG Yung-Ta

Lighting Design: Ryoya Fudetani

Kinectic Scene Design: WU Chi-Tsung

Costume Design: ZEIGARNIQ

Installation Physical Computing: WHYIXD

Kinetic and Lighting Program Integration: YEH Ting-Hao, WHYIXD

Stage Manager: YANG Shu-Wen

Technical Director: Szu Chien-Hua

Stage Structure Technical Associate: YAO Zhi-Wei

Installation Associate: YANG Chen-Han

Installation Technical Assistant: WU Ping-Sheng

Rehearsal / Performance Assistant: CHEN Yi-Ting, CHEN Ying-Fan

Production Resource Associate: Growing Green Production

Peripheral Technical Associate: TME Graphics and Design

Producer: SUN Ping

Associate Producer: WU Ko-Yun

Administration: HUANG Wen

Filmmaker: Grain Studio

photography: HSU Ping

Special Thanks to: Montrol Systems Co.,Ltd

1st edition, 2011, produced by, YiLab.

2nd edition, 2014, produced by National Performing Arts Center, National Theatre & Concert Hall (Taiwan)

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